
An Essay

(What might people have to consider when making the decision on choosing a future profession)

Choosing a future profession is no doubt the most important issue a person faces at the beginning of his conscious life. Some people don’t find the right decision even during their whole life. Such people usually are in the process of discovering and studying, searching for their calling in life.

I would like to look at the problem from two angles. I am still in the state of self-development. For me it is an ordinary process which helps me to find myself and discover new opportunities at work and in relationship with people. I am sure that changes are the important condition for being young and happy person.

Another point of view is the mother’s role in choosing the right profession. As a parent of 17 years old son, I have bad experience of making him choose a profession which, in my opinion, will be the best for him. I thought that as an adult I could provide him with better future. This is parents’ main problem. Fortunately, my son insisted on his decision and chose chef’s profession. After some period of time, we realized that our son was happy and was making progress. He does his job with pleasure.

So my advice for young people is this: “Don’t be afraid to make decisions and listen to your heart.”

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